Friday, January 7, 2011

Coevolution Mechanisms-25°40′N 100°18′W

There are two types of mimicry coevolution mechanisms, batesian and mullerian mimicry. In batesian mimicry a harmless organism looks like another organism that is very dangerous. In mullerian mimicry a harmful organism resembles and organism that is just as harmful. The picture above is an example of batesian mimicry.
Another coevolution mechanism is camofloage. Camofloage is where an organism blends into its surroundings. An organism that shows this in the desert is the flat-tailed horned lizard.

Aposematic coloration is where an organism uses colors as a warning or other traits that warn other organisms to stay away because they are dangerous. In the picture above a regal ring-necked snake shows aposematic coloration. Regal ring-necked snakes can be found in Northern Mexico.

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