Sunday, January 9, 2011

Humans influencing the desert-35°03′09″N 118°10′26″W

Many humans use off road vehicles on unrestricted parts of the desert. The tracks of the vehicles can scar the desert for a very long time and strip the desert's topsoil. This makes it hard for plants to grow, and it already takes a long time for vegetation to grow in the desert.

People have used the desert land to graze their cattle which is destroying the little vegetation that grows in the desert.

Another way humans have influenced the desert is by having mines that were to close to the streams of the desert. The mines of silver and gold poisoned the streams which hurt desert plant and animals that drank the water.
If people continue to ride off road vehicles in the desert then it will ruin the land where plants grow and vegetation could not occur. Grazing animals in the desert could also eliminate all the vegetation in the desert since it takes so long for things to grow in the desert. If vegetation gets destroyed then the few organisms that can survive in the desert would not have enough food to survive.

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